My first success with “traditional exercise”

I don’t know if you have ever heard of but for the first time EVER I have actually been able to do traditional exercise and have peace with it. I’ve been doing it since January and have never stuck with a workout program this long (I usually only last 2 weeks, max!).
Brianna has several 90-day challenges, but if you ever wanted to give it a shot, I would suggest starting with her “challenge 3.0“. The reason why I LoVe her workouts so much is because she actually filmed them in “real time” so on Day 1 she is the heaviest she has been, and week by week you, and her, start to see changes in your body. It feels like you are working out with a friend b/c she totally “gets it” and where you are at. I usually can’t outlast the typical workout programs because I feel like the trainers can’t relate to the pain I feel during a workout, because they are in tip-top shape on the video! It’s intimidating! With, I feel like I can keep going b/c if she is struggling at least she can understand how hard it is for me too!It is hard to explain, but you just have to go check her out if you have any interest. I go at my own pace and try to work out Monday-Friday. It is nice because I just pick up where I left off, and each week you do completely different workouts, so I don’t get bored with them. The actual workout is usually around 16 min, and then there is a warmup and cooldown. So really it is only around 20 minutes of your time.I save the following link in my browser, and then click on whatever day I am on: Workout Finder

Once the day pops up, go down to “Are you Ready” and click the youtube link. Then do the workout!

I also just write my reps down on a piece of paper (or you could order her “success journal”), which is motivating b/c you can see how much stronger you are getting each week 🙂

Absolutely, NO obligation to check her out. Just wanted to share since I’ve enjoyed it and thought you, or someone you know, might enjoy it too!

Your LaraTake-Home Message: Find an exercise that works for you, your preferences, and your lifestyle!


Boundaries Versus Rules

rules and boundaries

We’ve said that we don’t like rules when it comes to weight loss.  Rules regarding what to eat, how to exercise, and the scale.    But just because we don’t like rules doesn’t mean we don’t have boundaries.  We do.

Maybe you’re wondering what the difference is between a rule and a boundary.  Here’s our definition of the two:

Rules are dictated by others (or ourselves) due to preference or the way one thinks something should be done.

Boundaries, on the other hand are predetermined, based on your strengths, weaknesses and circumstances.  

Your boundaries regarding how you eat, exercise, and approach the scale and your body are pre-set, just like a piece of property you purchase.  You don’t get to determine where the boundary lines are.  Instead, you just find out where the boundaries are so that you can stay within them.  The same holds true for you regarding Peace with Food.

Your boundary lines are predetermined by your strengths, your weaknesses, your vulnerabilities, and your tendencies.  Once you know yourself in these categories and use wisdom, you will see your boundary lines very clearly, drawn up for you right before your very eyes.

For example, I know that having bag fulls of chips and packages of cookies and pastries in my pantry would lead to temptation, so I just choose not to have them in my house.  If there is ever an occasion for chips such as a BBQ, I am not against having them, but once that BBQ is over, I don’t want them hanging around.

There are other snacks I like a lot, such as vanilla ice-cream but that don’t tempt me.  Because I am not tempted to indulge in it, having it in the freezer is within my boundaries.

I also know that if don’t allow myself to indulge every now and again, I am setting myself up for disaster.  So my boundaries include opportunities to indulge and enjoy food on special occasions, or when I am feeling the need.  I am not talking about a total binge.  That never gives me peace and always leaves me feeling free.

Do you see how my temptations  and tendencies determined the boundaries for me?  And you can do the same.  It all comes back to knowing yourself.  Once you do you will find that your boundaries are very clear.  Stay within those boundaries and they will guide you to peace.

Your Robynn



Take home message:  Determine your boundaries and then make plans to stay within them.



DAY 29- Peace Dare: Funk Survival Kit

One of the things that we have on hand during a funk day is our survival kit.  We each have our own selected items that help us make it through these uncomfortable and unpleasant times.  Take a look and then begin creating your own!

Survival Kit

-Cell phone to call Robynn
-Stopwatch for a “timed task” (timing myself to complete a dreaded task in a small amount of time)
-Scentsy melts to burn
-Inspiring and motivating books on tape
-Graph paper to write a checklist to complete in a certain amount of time

-Cell phone to call Lara
-Inspiring Bible verses
-Graph paper to write a checklist to complete in a certain amount of time
-A list of errands to help make the time pass

Here are some things that do not help us on funk days:
-Surfing Facebook
-Running to the pantry
-Wearing sweatpants

Now it is your turn. Take the Peace Dare for today…


Posse Discussion: Do the Peace Dare above and share with your group.


lara-robynn1 (1)

DAY 25- Recap on Exercise

We’ll keep it simple.  Exercise makes you feel better, live better, be better, and look better.  There’s the benefits.  So, now it’s your move.  What are you going to do?  If you still aren’t sold on any one exercise or physical activity, give yourself permission to take three months, six months, or whatever time frame you prefer to “test drive” your exercise options.  Take advantage of a gym’s 30-day free trial, sign up for a three month spinning class, volunteer to walk your neighbors dog for a week or come up with your own adventure.  Have fun with it and just keep moving forward.

Here is a summary of the posts from this week’s discussion (click on underlined words to read that post):with Exercise

-An overview of how to have peace with Exercise.
-Debunking the Marathon Myth.
-Ways to get active using Traditional Exercise.
-Ways to get active using Non-Traditional Exercise.
-Challenging yourself to take the exercise Peace Dare.
-Other Alternatives for Exercise.

On Day 19, we had you rate your level #peace in regards to exercising. After discussing this week, we want you to rate your current level #peace again.

Posse Discussion:

In regards to exercise, what was your level #peace on Day 19 ? What is it today? Has your number increased or decreased? Why?

Peace Chart2

Join us tomorrow as we dive into fighting the FUNK!

The Peace Coaches


DAY 19- Week of Exercise

This week we are talking about exercise! And just as there are foods that fall into the Love-It or Leave-It category, so too are there physical activities that fall into these categories.  It is now time to find out what type of physical activity will best fit you and your lifestyle.  Of course, our first step is: Know yourself to improve yourself.

So with that, let’s answer the following questions:with Exercise

  1. What are your favorite physical activities?
  2. What are your least favorite physical activities?
  3. What are your hobbies that involve physical movement?  Could you turn it into exercise?
  4. What is your physical condition?  Have you had a physical?  Do you have physical limitations?
  5. What exercise do you enjoy enough that you could do it for life?
  6. What are some examples of exercise you would like to explore?
  7. When would be the best time (or times – don’t discount 5 minutes here, and 10 minutes there) for you to exercise?
  8. Do you prefer a “tight” workout routine, “loose” workout routine, or something in-between?
  9. Do you prefer a workout that is led by someone else or do you prefer coming up with your own workout?
  10. Do you prefer to workout alone or with others?
  11. What time of the day do you prefer to workout?
  12. Where do you prefer to workout?  (i.e. in my home, at the gym, at the beach)
  13. Who is someone you would like to workout with and can ask?
  14. What exercises will keep you in the game?
  15. What people will keep you in the game?
  16. When throughout the day can you get what we call Power 5’s, 10’s, and 15’s?  These are times throughout the day when you can catch 5 minutes of exercise here, 10 minutes there, and 15 somewhere else.  It could be taking the steps instead of the elevator, walking as you talk to a colleague, or using your break time/lunch to get a quick dose of physical activity.  If you use the resources you have (in this case time and opportunities throughout your day) you may be able to get in a 30 minute workout within your work day just by taking advantage of your Power 5’s, 10’s, and 15’s!

After you have answered the above questions, pick one physical activity or exercise that you either are doing or would like to do and then try it on for size.  Give it a fair shake and then evaluate and determine if you want to continue or try something else.  If you already know what exercise is the best for you then go with it.  Just make sure you find something that will keep you in the game and something that gives you peace.

Posse Discussion:

1: What one activity are you going to try?
2: What is your current level #peace in regards exercise?  (Record date and # in your notebook)

The Peace Coaches





Click Here for Day 20!


Peace Chart2



Carrie Underwood Thighs

Carrie Underwood Pixlr

One of the things Lara and I have learned in this process of Peace with Food is that if you want to walk in peace and freedom you have to get real.

Real with yourself.  Real with others.

And we also realized that if we wanted to help others experience the peace we now have we would have to be transparent.

So, hopefully that is what you’ll find here.

The truth.

Not  doctored up.

Not watered down.

But real, raw, and brutally honest.

And speaking of brutally honest, have you ever noticed that diets and weight loss programs rarely talk about some of the more . . . what shall I call it . . personal stuff?  Sure, they will talk about what to eat and how to exercise, but when it comes to self image and the way you perceive your body, it is . . .



But not here.  So let me share with you a snapshot of my self-image and my body.

Most of my life I was not happy with my body.  My biggest area of contention?

My thighs.

I had always wanted pencil-shaped thighs, the ones like Carrie Underwood and many of the models you see in magazines, not the drumstick shaped ones I was blessed with (yes, I now actually see them as a blessing!).

So, off I went – pursuing my mission of pencil-shaped thighs!  I went on many strict diets (obviously before PWF) and finally lost a significant amount of weight getting me down to an all-time low.  And here is the crazy thing.  I actually loved the way I looked, the way I fit in my clothes, and the way I felt. But because I was so obsessed with getting those pencil-shaped thighs I couldn’t even enjoy the body I had.  Talk about missing the forest for the trees!

My all-or-nothing mindset (which by the way I overcame via Peace with Foodyet another perk of PWF!) would not allow me to enjoy my life and my body. It saddens me to think of the parts of my life I wasted because I couldn’t enjoy my life unless I was “perfect”.  And it makes me all that more determined to help others break free from this insane cycle.

It took me getting down to the bottom of my BMI to realize that I would never have Carrie’s pencil-shaped thighs, but it was Peace with Food that got me to the point where I don’t care about those thighs anymore. I have learned to accept me “as is”.  Sure, I’ll strive to change those parts of me (both inside and out) that are within my control, but I’m not going to extremes and I’ll only do what gives me peace.

What is your version of Carrie Underwood thighs?  If you were given one wish and could change any part of you, what would it be?

Own up to it.  Admit.  And be honest.

Is it within your power to change?  If so, will the requirements to do so bring peace?

If not, I hope you’ll let it go and learn from my lesson:

Life’s too short not to embrace your imperfect self and get back to the most important things in life.



Take-Home Message:

Get real about your self-image.  Change what you can change and let go of the rest.  It is time to embrace life!